Group f11

In 2008 three photographers, starting out on their careers, decided to keep in contact through a blog page in which they could share ideas, post images and ask each other advice. This has since mutated into a web space where those photographers still meet, but so too do their students and other like-minded photographers.

If anybody would like to join all you need to do is email the blog administrator, Emil

Thursday, January 15, 2009

A trend perhaps, but no theme yet!

Again, not sure how this would fit into one of our themes, but all is not lost. I picked up on a trend towards bird photography a while back (ok.... so I don't have the fastest response time amongst the group!) I also picked up on a little spat that might have been emerging.... Something to do with birds in flight, subjects that don't move etc etc. So I thought I would pop this up in an effort towards peace, a bid to satisfy both parties if you like. Yes, it is a bird, yes it was in flight... at least up until it hit the windscreen of a fast moving car/truck, and yes, it isn't moving (well, maybe just a little in the wind) So it might be a little morbid ( but I find myself drawn in this direction more than I would like to admit), but it should be a nice contrast to my previous image which hinted, perhaps towards a more 'gleeful-skip-off-into-the-wilderness-blowing-dandylions-as-we-go' type thing! Or not?
Details I hear you ask? It is/was a Grass Owl (Tyto capensis). f22 at 1/125th with fill in flash. I would have liked to have shot a little quicker as I suspect the image is not quite as sharp as it could hve been. Again, minimal editing... levels and spot healing ahhhhgain! And a slight perspective crop to get rid of annoying vertical wiring on the left of the frame. Comments would be cool. Especially with regard to market :)


Group f11 said...

Despite being pretty horrible, this image is commercially viable simply because it is horrible. This could certainly be used editorially. In regard to it being soft, what ISO did you shoot it at? Was f22 really necessary? Or, could it be another soft lens!


Emil von Maltitz said...

Hi Paul...really enjoying seeing some new work! Yes, I'd agree with Neil about the commerical viability of this image for editorial usage. In fact there would be place for advertising usage as well come to think of it (just not the happy stuff). Like your previous image I really like the 'dark' undertones. as a trend I think its quite productive and oddly, very commercial from an art point of view (just take a gander again at fest).

As to softness. Digital sensors emphasize defraction at the lower apertures considerably more than film used to. The AA filter doesn't help as it further disperses light due to the filter material and the small gap between it and the sensor sites. With most wideangle lenses you start to enter 'soft' territory as soon as you pass f11 (FF sensors with larger photosites, Canon 5D and Nikon D700 might just stretch it a little closer to f16, but that's pushing it). Off course this may not be the reason for this particular image. At this size reproduction the shot looks sharp (in fact I really liked the 3 dimensional perceived acuity) and any softness would only be able to be picked up at a larger image size. Taa, my 2c.

Look forward to seeing more.


Emil von Maltitz said...

just realised you probably know all the above already...doh