Group f11

In 2008 three photographers, starting out on their careers, decided to keep in contact through a blog page in which they could share ideas, post images and ask each other advice. This has since mutated into a web space where those photographers still meet, but so too do their students and other like-minded photographers.

If anybody would like to join all you need to do is email the blog administrator, Emil

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Just pretend...

Just pretend that I owned a camera with over 10 meagre(!) pixels, and just pretend that I had model releases in the bag for all the people... I am curiose to get your opinions as to the market potential, if there is any, for images of this nature. Bit tricky I'll admit and not really my style (style?..... hmmmm, we will have to let that one go by!)
Interested to get your thoughts.



Emil von Maltitz said...

Howzit Paul

As stock images...these are excellent! I keep getting messages from Gallo saying that they want images like these. In fact, looking at sales from Alamy I would say that a large proportion of stock photographers make a greater income from these style images than from the artsy fartsy cR@p that Neil and I shoot :) (I love my cR@p incidentally and will continue to shoot it and moan about how artists aren't appreciated by stock agents and the buying world in general...bastards). I particularly like the 1st 3rd and 4th images for the same reason that you gave Nick about cropping...text space! These would look good in a glossy advert.

Nice stuff mate! Oh, just remember your model releases.


Emil von Maltitz said...

Oops, make that 1st, 4th and 5th images :)


Group f11 said...

Excellent! Thanks E, I'll pretend I have model releases too!

Geert - Nick said...

Hi Paul The Angry One!

Sorry for the delayed reply. Not that I have much experience in selling photos (in fact I have no experience at all in that respect), but nevertheless I do think that these type of images have huge selling potential. They look odd (with models looking like idiots ;-)) and the white background allows for very easy inserting in adverts, as well as text addition (as Emil just said). I think I agree with Emil here. These are the images the commercial world wants, but I still very much prefer to shoot (and view!) my type of images.
Should you want to make money, yes go ahead, shoot these images (with a 10 mp camera and don't forget the model releases ;-)) and give selling them a try. I think you'll be pleased with the sales, as it is these type of silly looking people that I continue to see on Dutch billboards and in commercials. It is like saying: "Look, if you buy this you'll be as stupid as this oke shown here!" and nowadays it is hot to be and act like a fool...

Cheers Nick