So Festival and football are over.
Felt it!
Thanks to The Giant Match's visit to the frontier, eye grabbed this shot of a puppet.
I toyed with cropping the puppet's eyes out altogether trying to make it more abstract but in the end stuck with this more traditional version. The original contains the eyes (of the puppet) in entirety.
Specs: EOS 7D, sigma 18-50mm at 35mm (crop factor = 56mm) iso 100, fill flash at 1/2 power.
As always comments welcome!
Eye take it you have succumbed to the lure of the 7D at long last :) If that is the case i hope you are enjoying the new toy.
Cool idea with the shot Paul! I like the idea of cropping to the eyes, but wonder whether a tiny touch less crop wouldn't balance the comp slightly more by creating a triangle of both sets of eyes. I have a feeling almost that the mouth might be dragging too much attention from the eyes themselves.
My nattering aside it's a great shot that I like.
Thanks for posting
Thanks E. And to take the crit a little further after posting I noticed the ugly shadow around the right of the nose and mouth. I suspect that this had a little to do with the late afternoon sun (in which case I wish I had of angled the guy a little more towards the sun. I suspect also though, looking at it now, that I could have used less flash too. :(
Thanks for noticing the 7D. Yes I like! Struggleing a little to make a decision on the grain of the images :)
Grain? Surely the images should be practically grain-less? Or are you being sarcastic and my naivety is showing painfully through :)
Check the micro-focusing of your old lenses. This is not a criticism of the 7D or Canon lenses (I've had to do the same with my Nikon), but I've already had to help 3 students with back-focusing issues on the 7D. Once micro-tuned, lenses that they thought were soft have become their 'sharpest' optics.
Yep... It is grain though, not sharpness that has my concern, and yep, I was also expecting 'practically grain-less' images. Maybe I was expecting too much. Either that or my disposable contacts need a wipe :)
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