Hi All
For anyone who is interested I have just completed an article comparing 4x5inch large format film with my digital camera (a 12mp FF Nikon). You can see it by going here: http://www.limephoto.co.za/digital_vs_film_article.html
In a nutshell, there is a definite 'wow' factor to the image size achievable with a large format camera, but it comes at a hefty price, both cash-wise and time-wise.
Thanks Emil this is very interesting. I guess film is slow photography as opposed to fast digital! I can appreciate slowing down with the large format, but can also imagine that wonderful opportunities could be missed as the light changes so fast in this country. I wonder what the comparison would be like between the large format and a D3X or the latest 5DMK2? You'll just have to get a D3X to find out! Oh, and while you're at it, get me a 5DMK2 please ... pleae .... ;-)
Wouldn't it be lovely! I'm going to ad a postscript to the article this week. I got round to doing a 4800dpi scan abd the results are incerdible. The image also appears sharper than the 2400dpi, but the file size is 1.2Gb.
Yup, a D3x would be great...so would a porshe and a holiday home :)
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