Group f11

In 2008 three photographers, starting out on their careers, decided to keep in contact through a blog page in which they could share ideas, post images and ask each other advice. This has since mutated into a web space where those photographers still meet, but so too do their students and other like-minded photographers.

If anybody would like to join all you need to do is email the blog administrator, Emil

Friday, August 21, 2009

Photoshop Shortcuts

Recently a number of students have asked for a sheet of Photoshop keyboard shortcuts. Yes, anyone can go into the shortcuts menu in PS, but often novice PS users don't even know that this menu exists. I've now posted a printable pdf of all the shortcuts that I use. You can find this on my website under the tutorials page or simply click on the link for the actual page here.

Hope you find this useful.


1 comment:

Mandy Rapson said...

that's very useful!! thanks Emil. Now I just need to use Photoshop more.. that's the understatement of my photography career!