So last night there was a threatening thunder storm, which for the Eastern Cape is not that common. My last attempt (many years ago..... shudup!) at shooting lightening resulted in a lengthy string of hazy grey slides. Not surprising since I had no cable release and no tripod! My how we have blossomed :)
So I shimmied up a hill and took a few exposures, this time opting for the use of a cable release and tripod. Whilst experimental, this was probably the best result. I opted to shoot wide as the storm was moving quite quickly and looked like it had a fairly long head. I noticed there was a tendancy for horizontal flashes in one area and vertical in another so set up with the intention of capturing both. It was some distance away so I knew that I would be going panoramic, cropping blackness out the top of the frame. Sadly this is roughly a 50% crop so would be great for postage stamps, perhaps a community newspaper somewhere ;) or perhaps a website or two.
Notice the needles of light to the right of the frame. Not sure why they rendered like that instead of the usual 'star' or periferal glow.
Specs: f/8 at 2mins.
Post Processing: temperature adjustment to bring in the blues. Added a little contrast.