So last night there was a threatening thunder storm, which for the Eastern Cape is not that common. My last attempt (many years ago..... shudup!) at shooting lightening resulted in a lengthy string of hazy grey slides. Not surprising since I had no cable release and no tripod! My how we have blossomed :)
So I shimmied up a hill and took a few exposures, this time opting for the use of a cable release and tripod. Whilst experimental, this was probably the best result. I opted to shoot wide as the storm was moving quite quickly and looked like it had a fairly long head. I noticed there was a tendancy for horizontal flashes in one area and vertical in another so set up with the intention of capturing both. It was some distance away so I knew that I would be going panoramic, cropping blackness out the top of the frame. Sadly this is roughly a 50% crop so would be great for postage stamps, perhaps a community newspaper somewhere ;) or perhaps a website or two.
Notice the needles of light to the right of the frame. Not sure why they rendered like that instead of the usual 'star' or periferal glow.
Specs: f/8 at 2mins.
Post Processing: temperature adjustment to bring in the blues. Added a little contrast.
Wow Paul. This is a fantastic shot. I particularly like the gradation of colour between the blue on the right and the warm tungsten light on the left. The panoramic treatment also works well. Stunner!
Wow indeed, Paul, I love this shot. Just like Emil, i like the color difference between the 'cold' and the 'warm' side, I love the detail of the town, panorama works really well here and the cherry on top is the horizontal VS vertical lightning flashes. Absolutely stunning. One of my favorites on the blog so far.
Once again though, I find your watermark really disturbing, especially to appreciate and judge/comment on your image. As you say, size-wise it is great for a postage stamp, so realistically you won't lose much should someone steal the image, so personally I wouldn't even bother with a watermark this big, in addition to your smaller logo in the corner. But then again, of course it is completely up to you as I don't know of your intentions and fears regarding copyright and stuff.
Kind Regards,
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