Having commented on E's pic being a cracker I decided to dabble. (Sorry E!)
I loved the complexity and colours in the posted image and 'surreal' was the adjective that immediately sprung to mind. So... flying with this I decided to see if I could bring it out a bit. I still love the colours and 'surreal' is still my adjective.
I HDR'd two images, the original and the original +1 stop. Brought in the greys a teeny bit using curves and warmed it up a little by selecting the yellows in a hue and saturation layer. And that was pretty much it. Took about 5 mins.
Downsides? There is some blow out at the lightening and of course the noise becomes more noticeable. I think it now has a different feel to the original, but the core elements are fore fronted. Couldn't do anything about the text at the top I am afraid ;-)
Be interested to see what everyone thinks (unless it is some drivel about art/authenticity/ 'real' or some such claustrophobic commentary - yawn!) ;-)
Talk about cheek :D Actually what you propose is something that I'm already toying with. The posted image was very rough with little post-processing. My ultimate goal is to lighten everything slightly, get more clarity in the skies (I'd actually cool them down slightly so there's a lovely ice blue in the clear sky) and particularly draw more detail out of the mountain using a luminosity mask/s. It'll take a little more than 5 minutes but the challenge is on :) I'd love to know what others think...which post has more visual impact? Please let us know.
p.s. thanks Paul. This could be quite interesting. I'm ultimately hoping to enter the final image into this year's TPOTY so appreciate the comments and personal version
This i think is a great and awesome idea! Well done Paul. I think we must do this way more often as it is a great way to learn from each other. I challenge all of you to play around with any of my posted photos to improve them, for a large part because I don't know how to use photoshop and hope to be amazed by your skill in editing my images. Just to see what can be done.
Now the Emil's image. Comparing the original and Paul's version, I must admit I prefer Paul's version... Sorry Emil, no hard feelings please. Please keep in mind that I am partly colorblind and see the world (and photos) a great deal different than most of you. In general i find the more colour or saturation in a image the better, most likely as I see only half of it.
Anyway, not to kiss both Emil's AND Paul's ass, but I actually think I would prefer a photo just in between the two, so maybe a HDR of the original and the original + 1/2 stop. I prefer Paul's hills better, but then I prefer the detail of the lightning in Emil's one, and finally I prefer the sky in Paul's version.
I don't think this comment helps a lot, but at least it is my honest point of view
To answer Emil's question: I think Paul's version had more visual impact. What do the other blog members think?
And then the challenge for Emil: Please post your final image, after you did your magic with luminosity etc. so we can check which one of the three has the best chance for the competition.
Cheers Nick
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